2024-2025 Basketball Evaluations Begin October 15, 2024.
August 31, 2024 - Your child's age as of this date determines the age bracket the system will place them in. This date is set by Williamson County Parks and Rec. Anyone 19 on or before March 8, 2025 will be ineligible to play. EVALUATIONS AND JERSEY SIZINGClovercroft Elementary Gym
October 15 - 6U Sizing 6:15-6:45, Evals 6:45-7:45; 14U Boys Sizing 7:15-7:30, Evals 7:45-8:30 October 16 - 12U Boys Sizing 6:15-6:45; Evals 6:45-7:30; and Girls Sizing 7:30-7:45; Evals 7:45-8:15 October 22 - 10U Boys Sizing 6:15-6:45, Evals 6:45-7:30; and Girls Sizing 7:30-7:45; Evals 7:45-8:15 October 23 - 8U Boys Sizing 6:15-6:45, Evals 6:45-7:30; and Girls Sizing 7:15-7:45, Evals 7:45-8:30. PRACTICESPractices begin November 2. Practices are held at Clovercroft, Kenrose, or Trinity. (Please note – practices can take place at ANY of these schools. It is NOT correlated to where your child attends school or where you live.)
Per Williamson County Parks and Rec guidelines, weekly practices will begin the week of November 4. One practice per week, except for Saturday, November 2 and 9. These weeks only will have two practices.
We are NOT allowed to practice when Williamson County Schools are closed. This can be due to scheduled events, weather, etc.
You can view your team's practice schedule by visiting the Team Directory page.
GAMESGames will start in December and will be scheduled by Williamson County Parks & Recreation. All games are on Saturdays –(these dates may vary slightly with our 6u co-ed league). They will be held at various Williamson County Schools and Williamson County Recreational Centers.
End of Season Tournaments -The end of season EWA In-House Tournament will be in February. Tournament games will also be played on weeknights.
To see Williamson County Parks & Rec Rules and 6U Rules, visit our Basketball Rules page.
VOLUNTEERSRefereesReferee Officials Needed! – WCPR ALWAYS needs qualified referees. If you would be interested in officiating youth basketball games, please email Adrian Ludwig, WCPR Youth Sports Coordinator at [email protected]. REFUNDSFull refunds can be given up until evaluations. $100 can be refunded after evaluations but before the first game. No refunds will be allowed once games begin.
CONTACTQuestions please contact us at [email protected].