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East WillIamson Sports (EWA)

East WillIamson Sports (EWA)

Softball Equipment

Softball Equipment
All equipment used by the players must meet the minimum criteria of the ASA rules. This is to include bats, balls, gloves, batting helmets, face masks, shoes, and catcher’s equipment. Any equipment judged to be unsafe or damaged may be removed from play by an umpire.  Please review the softball rules from WCPR for a more detailed explanation and restrictions on equipment.

Equipment Required to Play: 
Softball Bat, Ball Glove, Face Mask, Batting Helmet with face mask.
Recommended Equipment: Cleats(NO Metal Cleats), Equipment bad, sliding shorts, batting gloves, chest protection (pitchers).

A note on bats.  
Please be aware of WCPR softball rules prior to purchasing a bat.  Most stores won't permit any returns once the wrapping on the bat has been removed.   If you are unsure what size bat to buy your child, consult with your coach and don't forget to review the WCPR rules for requirements/restrictions on bats .

As a general rule of thumb the following criteria should be considered when purchasing a bat:
1) Bat Weight:  Your child should be able to support the weight of the bat with their dominant arm extended straight out gripping the bat to extend horizontally.
2)Bat Length:  From standing position and barrel end on the floor the knob of the bat should attain a length such that the height of the knob of the bat should be in the palm of their hand.  Above the wrist is too long. and Below the fingers is too short.

WCPR Youth Softball Rules

No metal cleats are allowed for any age division.



EWA Sports (East Williamson Athletics)
PO Box 680643 
Franklin, Tennessee 37068

Email: [email protected]

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